Meet Stephen Garapic

Meet Stephen Garapic

Stephen Garapic is Aalberts surface technologies’ Regional Sales Manager for the Central Midwest Region. He is based in Cleveland, OH.

Stephen has been with Aalberts surface technologies for almost one year. He says the best part of his job is the people he works with daily. He also appreciates the positivity of the Aalberts team.

He grew up in Cleveland, where he delivered newspapers as a youth. After college his first job was in sales – selling fasteners to industrial companies.

Two pieces of advice that have stuck with him are: “Set goals and work hard to achieve them” and “Along the way always be respectful to everyone you meet.” If you have ever met Stephen, you know both of these to be true to who he is.

Outside of work, you will find him spending time with his family, working on developing his Spanish and Italian skills, or running. Stephen is an avid runner and as of the end of July 2023 will hit 15 years in a row without missing a day. Go, Stephen, go!

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